A Canadian Made, Aviation Digital Marketing Company

Pay Per Click (PPC) For Aviation Companies

Stand Out, Look Up. Implement A Growth Focused PPC Strategy!

Quantum Click Strategy Implementation
Market Research, Competitor Assessment 40%
Brand Identity Integration & Ad Development 60%
Consistent Tracking & Monitoring Online Performance, Optimize as Needed 80%
Increased Business Leads, Sales & Conversions Resulting In A Positive Return On Investment & A Satisfied Client 100%

Google Ads

“64.6% of people click on Google ads when they are looking to buy an item online”.  (Wordstream)

Looking to market a specific item, product or service? Quantum Click employs a team of analysts designed to create, monitor & optimize google ads designed to meet your specified ad goal. Whether that’s sales, phone calls, website traffic we work to optimize your ads by utilizing both Google Adwords & Google Analytics to track web traffic trends & behaviours, ultimately reaching your target customer. Your success is our success and an improvement in ROI signifies growth! 

Facebook Ads

“When it comes to paid social media ads, the overwhelming majority use Facebook ads (84%)” (Social Media Examiner).

Is your business struggling to compete with its competitors? Stay competitive by implementing Facebook Ads. We’ll target your specific customer niche & optimize each ad in order to meet your goals. 

Going Digital Builds Revenue - Transform Your Online Presence

Contact Us Today & Let Us Know How We Can Help!